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Plurinligual Zone of IF-EPFCL Psychoanalysis School Day
and Inter-Forums Meeting
12-13 April 2025 / SALT Galata, Istanbul

As Lacanian Forum Turkey Psychoanalysis Association, we are happy to announce the event of Zone Plurilingue.

The event will take place in Istanbul on April 12 and 13, 2025 and it will bring together all members of the zone.

April 12 will be the first School Day within the Zone and the theme will be “How psychoanalysis begins”. On April 13, the theme will be “Trauma, Symptom and Act in the Lacanian Clinic”.

On April 12-13, 2025, we will be joined by two guests from EPFCL: Colette Soler, who initiated the Forums and the School, and Dominique Fingermann, IGC European Secretary.

The event will take place in person at the Salt Galata building in Istanbul. Online participation is also possible for those who cannot attend in person. All presentations will be translated into French, English and Turkish.

SALT Galata Address:Bankalar Caddesi, No: 11. 34421 Beyoğlu, Istanbul


Detailed program will be announced asap.


"Trauma, symptom and analytic act in the Lacanian clinic"


The choice of this theme for the 3rd inter-forum meeting of the multilingual zone (Zone Plurilingue) is part of the link between the zone and the School of Psychoanalysis of the Forums of the Lacanian Field and the International of Forums, IF-EPFCL. What is being worked on, on one side, echoes on the other: the link in question is supported by a knotting of Zone, School and the International with the object of psychoanalysis at its centre.


Trauma, symptom and analytic act are each treated in the singular. The emphasis on the singular for each of them indicates their questioning and enactment in the beginning of an analysis and in their becoming at the end of the analytic experience.


The act is present in the very foundation of the subject, its cut institutes its division from the object. The subject will bear the marks of this fundamental and founding trauma – a troumatism, Lacan would say, of an irreversible reality that exiles him from the sexual relationship to which he aspires and to which the symptom supplements by fixing his jouissance by a knot to the body. Desire and fantasy will find support there.


For Lacan, the act is a saying, it is at the beginning of the birth of the speaking body, a speaking-being enjoying its maternal language, lalangue, and bearing the stigmata of the Other’s desire.

The act is also summoned in the analytic experience carried out to its conclusion, at the entrance just as at the exit.


The choice made by the scientific commission on the singular of trauma, symptom and analytic act does not exclude their plurality, as the analyses testify.


The emphasis placed on the Lacanian clinic will come, during these Days, in exploring the innovative contributions of Lacan to psychoanalysis. The path he has paved from the unconscious shaped like a language to the Real (Réel) unconscious gives a new direction to analyses and specifies their point of arrival. This pavement, which is a breath of fresh air in psychoanalysis, constitutes the Lacanian Field; it would not have reached us without the precious work of Colette Soler on the real unconscious (ICSR).


These days will therefore be an opportunity to approach together, from “trauma, symptom and act in the Lacanian clinic”, our crucial questions and problems of our praxis.


Zehra Eryörük,

Representative of the PLZ (2023-2024)

Responsible for the meeting

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